SpicyPete ********
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SpicyPete ********
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SpicyPete ********
I find
@Tod ********
to be rather direct and to the point... and his advice is very accurate... which is exactly what this group needs.
SpicyPete ********
Benjamin Hays that would make sense, however I was told that the reason the government did not accept a joint account was to hold funds if the foreigner died and had outstanding bills. If it is a joint account, the other person could withdraw all funds if the foreigner died and then there would be no money held to pay off any outstanding debts. And that also made sense to me.
SpicyPete ********
I have always been told that the account cannot be a joint account, however I have heard that a few people do have joint accounts. I don't have any details about the joint accounts, but I have been told "NO it cannot be joint" by the immigration office in Loei and Pattaya. This was about 3 years ago, so I don't know if things have changed. I am quite sure that I also read on the government website that the account cannot be joint.
SpicyPete ********
@Tod ********
Thats very good information. The devil is in the details... "ability to APPLY" for a covid extension has been extended to Jan 25th.
SpicyPete ********
Why would someone have 2 passports from the same country? Obviously I am missing something.
SpicyPete ********
sorry... i know how we all read and twist words differently, so i just wanted to be sure. so... whenever anyone renews, medical insurance is required.
SpicyPete ********
Am i reading it incorrectly? i think it clearly states in point #4 (where you highlighted), until the end of validity... doesn't that mean until the end of the ONE YEAR... at the point that you must renew your O-A, you will be required to have health insurance.
SpicyPete ********
I would ask at immigration. then file at that moment.