Steve ********
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Steve ********
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Steve ********
That is coming soon. Hopefully after next Tuesday when I fly out of here.
Steve ********
Purpose of stay? To be with my wife Capt Obvious.
Steve ********
Not London, but for my recent METV in Melbourne I only submitted my final flight out after 5 months and I got the visa without any problems.
Steve ********
I always pick the milk from the back
Steve ********
I am lucky to live within 5km of the local Thai Consulate so do all my applications in person using a paper form.
Steve ********
Got all three, although my onward travel is in April next year, not within 60 days. Fingers crossed.
Steve ********
With all the scaremongering recently about IOs cracking down on serial tourist visas, I wonder if this strategy will work for much longer. I am about to head back to Bangkok with a new METV and I am quite nervous about my encounter with the IO on Saturday. Maybe I shouldn't read these forums and go in blind. Less stress?
Steve ********
If you have a credit card then the available credit can also be used as part of your funds. At least in Melbourne Australia the Thai consulate accepts credit card funds. Credit limit minus current balance is what they look for.
Steve ********
After your METV runs out the final time, you will need to go out of Thailand and buy a new visa. I don't know if you can get the METV in many countries because I always end up going back home to Melbourne, Australia before my 6 months runs out. I usually need a holiday from Thailand after about 5 months and head back home for a month or two. I then just buy a new 6 month METV for my next visit. I never had the need to try and wring out every possible week out of each one, but that is just how I operate. :)