Alex ********
This is a summary of
Alex ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 8 comments.



Alex *********
@Julien ***
I would opt for a different consulate; the one in Ho Chi Minh City is a complete mess and seems entirely arbitrary.
Alex *********
Anonymous participant then I guess the only way is go through

But it will take long time and no any guarantee that you get any result 😕
Alex *********
Anonymous participant just make them a call, they don't respond by emails
Alex *********
you need to cancel your smart-t, i've got 21 days to get non-b after that; if you don't cancel smart visa, you can't apply for another visa formally
Alex *********
Ho Chi Minh states to approve in 5 working days, Taipei in 15, why do you consider that's the fastest one?
Alex *********
Thank you so much,
@Tod ********
! [solved]Quick question just to be sure - should i choose Section N as you guide but not Counter K, right?
Alex *********
Is APEC stamp (90 days with business purporses) covered as well? Any idea?