Sara ************
This is a summary of
Sara ************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 8 comments.



Sara *************
@Tree ******
2 yrs, we didn't have a insurance requirement then for the non O. 🤷‍♀️

Everything was scanned and pdfs sent, but DONT FORGET to bring all your originals with you(ie marriage cert) to Thailand, you'll need it for the extension.
Sara *************
@Graham *****
this is how we did ours. Got it online while still in the US, hubs 90 day retirement visa first. Then used it as supporting doc (online in US again) to get my trailing spouse 90 day visa.

Came to Thailand together and only he needed to open his 800k account.

Then we both extended to 1 yr visas in Thailand at immigration
Sara *************
@Ručman **********
run. 😆

But seriously, we have the receipt and pics of the passport and visa. I think it's ok.

And it's my 86yo mother's passport. I'm more worried about needing it for a hospital lol.
Sara *************
@Ručman **********
they said don't come back until we call you. I asked when? He said maybe today or tomorrow, but wait for the phonecall first before showing up. Technically overstay status starts at midnight today.

I think he wasn't sure either 🤔
Sara *************
Just ran into the same problem in phuket immigration. Was told to bring passport back today for a non O stamp (converting from TR expiring today), and was then told the visa wasn't back yet. They took the passport and said they will call to advise to return to pick up in the next day or so. We submitted it about 3 weeks ago...🤷‍♀️
Sara *************
Thank you everyone!!! I really appreciate all the help you've given. I'm trying to get as many ducks lined up as possible. Thank you for your response!
Sara *************
@Chris ******
ok thx!

Yes, I'm aware her health insurance will be super costly...I can't leave her in the US 🤷‍♀️. I'm shopping it now...
Sara *************
@Tod ********
thank you! Yes I should have clarified don't want to buy full return tickets (back to the US) and if there was instead a way around it that was cost effective. 👍