i already get the answer ansd they rejected again with this reason....Your visa category does not comply with the 90-days notification conditions (tourist)....what do i wrong??
i get this message just back from the immigration......Your visa category does not comply with the 90-days notification conditions (tourist)...what did i wrong??
the entry date is 17-03-2023...i full that in also but i make the mistake for fill in the date 19 may and not the expiry date what stay into my passport...now i send a new again and waiting..thanks for your thoughts..
i wonder now how many prescription you have or let you send them by your doktor from abroad to you?..my experience and that of many here are a lot different then yours so we can discuss how long we want , it will not change our oppinion...
strange...i think you are the only one who can get this way your medicine without seeing the doktor into the hospital in Thailand first because this is the normal step..then you can get the medicine at the pharmacy inside the hospital