Neil *******
This is a summary of
Neil *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 10 comments.



Neil ********
I would like to personally thank
@Tod ********
for his assistance today and everyone else for your input
Neil ********
Hi not sure if this is what is being asked, I have a ep and non b went to phuket I friday and did my first 90day reporting in less that 5 mins hope it helps
Neil ********
Thanks will give it a try and keep you informed for future issues for other people
Neil ********
Thanks any idea if this is happening or any times been published when they will be there?
Neil ********
Not allowed to leave Rawai we are on lockdown
Neil ********
Ok maybe I should have worded it differently sorry
Neil ********
Thank you very much for your help, I will check later today
Neil ********
@Robert ******
I live in Rawai and it will be my first visit, will probably go the the one in Patong, any experience there?