Michael *********
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Michael *********
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Michael *********
Disabled they expect you to stay in the USA I don’t blame the government your just sucking money off the hard working tax payers and wanting to bang woman in the Philippines and Thailand courtesy of the government! If you want to game the system move to Guam or Saipan two territory’s 2-3 hour plane rides from PI and Thailand and do short hops back and forth. Play the game correctly
Michael *********
Fiancé visa is different then other visas she is coming to get married to you in the USA it’s not a immigration visa once you are married in the states you change her status and she cannot leave the USA until she has permanent residence status
Michael *********
Go to the Philippines they desperately need competent doctors
Michael *********
Just like in Thailand and the Philippines signs in English in the big city’s big plus they except the US dollar as currency
Michael *********
Cambodia 25 -50cents for a beer ! 1 yr retirement visa less than $300 and Thailand is next door easy access
Michael *********
That’s why you keep your deposit going to your American bank account no proof of life every year