that seems quite broad, and as we know Thailand, there are surely loop holes around us, such as “how” does the revenue goes in the company. Again my question is literally, if I have the income but it doesn’t necessarily go through the company, and I, for example, pay the company for a “service” where the money then essentially goes back to me minus taxes?
So.. not only do these comments have anything to do with my question which is not about the 2 million (I’m well aware of)
- it’s 2 million, but when the company is started with 1 thai and 1 foreigner, the stipulation is the bank account has to show a bit over 200,000b, when the business is created. Thats it, it’s not something that gets checked again (is my understanding from a number of sources)
- it’s not dead money as there is no requirement for the 2 million to remain in the bank.
Yeah, I'm quite clear about the difference. And I'm asking about a Business Visa for My business (so no hiring of me) which means I need a Work Permit, which needs 4 employees. So following that, I'm asking about the 4 employees.