Ihear you. I've been coming here for 16 years and lived here permanently for 8. I've never been denied entry or even questioned, but there's always a first time for everything. Thanks for the reminder.
thanks. I can exit and re-enter on a 60 visa exempt and do the process all over again as the visit Thai family extension is per entry. Since I exit and re-enter, it's a new entry.
. I'll call my local office. My options are basically
1. hopefully being granted a 30 day extension on my current 60 day visa exempt stamp (stamp expires on the 25th of December).
Since I have re-enterd Thailand on 60 day visa exempt stamp, I should be eligible for another 60 day visit Thai family extension, however, I was hoping to get a 30 day extension on the visa exempt entry expiring on the
...and then apply for another 60 day visit family extension, before I have to leave and re-enter on a 60 day visa exempt stamp.
The staff are very helpful and when I was questioned why I didn't apply for a 12 non immigrant O, which I've been doing previously, I replied that my passport pages are almost full and that I wanted to have my new 12 month non immi O visa in my new passport. They were very understanding and considered it a good idea.
no it's not a non O. It's an extension to visit Thai family (documentation is required, marriage certificate, a child's birth certificate if you are named as the father, etc). I've been made aware that it is per entry. It's 1900 baht and can be applied for in country at your local immigration office.
, that's great news. I'll be able to spend Christmas with my family and not have to drive 11 hrs return to bounce at the nearest border. Your advice and that of others has been invaluable. Thanks heaps for taking the time to help.
, that's great advice. If it's available per entry, I should be eligible for it as I bounced in and out of Cambodia (Chong Chom/O'Smach land border) on the same day to get my 60 day visa exempt stamp. The previous ('visit Thai family") extension was granted when my non immi O extension expired. I'll double check with immigration, but, you've always been correct in the past .
, thanks again. I've already used the visit 'Thai family' extension when my non immi O extension expired. I'll follow up with my local immigration office whether I can use it more than once. I'm currently on a 60 day visa exempt stamp expiring Christmas day.
, thanks. I've already used that when my non immi O visa extension expired and as far as I'm aware, you can only use the 'Thai family' once per visa/visa extension. I then applied for my 1st 60 day visa exempt stamp.
I may be wrong and I'm happy to be told so. Rules and regulations change so often it's hard to keep up with the latest information.