Blake *********
This is a summary of
Blake *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 10 comments.


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Blake *********
This thread is like watching Kindergarteners talk about property law.

There's no point outlining the ways foreigners can purchase and legally own property in Thailand with Phil spam replying, "no, I'm right. You carnt (sic)"
Blake *********
It's a relatively safe educated guess to make that there will not be a vaccine. No vaccine was developed for SARS1. No vaccine has ever been developed for any strains of Coronavirus or any virus sharing it's classification. It's hard to expect a vaccine will be developed for SARS2 when they couldn't even figure out it's less evolved, little brother over the past 17 years.

Last time, it just "went away". Buried under the new media scare of "African bees" or terrorism or something. We should focus on "best case scenarios" that don't include a vaccine so we can move on. Waiting for a vaccine will keep us halted in place.
Blake *********
On behalf of a friend who lives in Bangkok but is stuck outside of Thailand (took a work contract and then s#!t hit the fan), is there any way around this? Flying into a neighbouring country and entering by land or another option?
Blake *********
Either way, they're both really hard words for Thai people to say.
Blake *********
You've screencapped and posted over 20 of his posts. It's a little spammy at this point, getting his posts and then screencaps of the same posts. And this is happening to anyone here who follows him.

People know they can visit his Facebook or Twitter. You can also share his posts.
Blake *********
It's all your fault,
. If you had noticed and said something sooner, it wouldn't have been left for ol' Stevie to bring up in the middle of a pandemic. Don't try to deflect blame. Be a man.
Blake *********
Anti-money laundering regulation. Foreigners can't own digital wallets. I don't know and wonder if it also applies to crypto.
Blake *********
Buy a condo!