Why can't foreigners link their Kasikornbank accounts with Grab in Thailand?

January 10, 2020
5 years ago
Nick *******
I opened a bank account at Kasikornbank mainly for the purpose of link that account with Grab. I am using Grab a lot and paying by Kasikornbank is 20-100 thb cheaper per ride then when you pay cash.

Opening an account went very smoothly no issues at all. Linking grab with Kasikorn bank seemed not possible so I returned to the bank and asked for help. The lovely lady called the callcenter in Bangkok and she told me that it’s not possible to link any Kasikorn account to Grab if the holder is a foreigner. If it’s a Thai nationality no problem!!

Anyone else has the same issue?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user shares their experience opening a Kasikornbank account for better rates on Grab rides, but discovers that foreigners cannot link their accounts to Grab. Comments reveal that this policy is due to government regulations aimed at reducing fraud, restricting foreigners from using digital wallets like GrabPay. Other users suggest alternatives, like using different bank accounts or paying directly with debit cards.
Blake *********
Anti-money laundering regulation. Foreigners can't own digital wallets. I don't know and wonder if it also applies to crypto.
Siddhartha *********
@Blake ********
bitkub.com , i am foreigner and yes can use trading exchange all features!!
Adrian ******
Just me maybe but if need a taxi I have a hand I can raise at road side if I need food I can walk or ride to find at no extra cost & when a friend has looked to use grab it can cost more so why bother
Adrian ******
Been there many times I visit often & still have no problem putting hand out to find taxi but yes find it takes a few times to weed greed from genuine drivers same in most city’s
Adrian ******
Grab only main city area I am also Bangkok & when out of city in many places no such thing as grab available
Ivan ************
It depends where you are in Thailand. In Bangkok public taxis are numerous and easy to use. In most of the rest of the country public taxis vary between non-existent and a rip-off for foreigners. Grab is a clear fixed price with no negotiation necessary. That you don't have to explain where you are going or even have change is just a nice bonus.
Ivan ************
Nick if it makes you feel any better a lot of these Grab offers are one use only, they can look like you'll get X baht off every ride but then it turns out you only get it once, after you first do the thing they want you to do. Certainly the 20B discount for linking a card is like that, you only get it once despite it continually popping up and offering itself again. Same with the food offers, the big one keeps offering itself but it's once per user only, it's annoying. No idea with GrabPay Wallet but I doubt any 100B discount is more than once.
Nick *******
@Ivan ***********
Yeah maybe your right about that the special price to be only once. Still it’s unfair that foreigners can’t have any digital wallet under their name in Thailand
Todd *******
Ahhh, hmmm news to me. I use the Kplus app for about everything. Grab included. Rabbit Card too.
Ivan ************
Possibly he got it before the policy change.
Nick *******
@Todd ******
is the account on your name?
Chris ******
Link your debit card dude - not your kbank account directly
Nick *******
@Chris *****
then I will not get the discount. It’s only with Kbank
Chris ******
And don’t forget to go to the atm to activate your internet Bangkok or online transaction as well
Vlurx *******
Foreigners are not allowed to use GrabPay Wallet. Just like Lazada Wallet or any other Wallet service. It's not to do with company policy but it's a govt policy to reduce fraud. If you succeed in opening an account with no foreigner tag attached to it then it might work.

You can still pay online by adding your card and they have promotions sometimes when you pay with card and not cash.
Federico **********
Not sure what u mean by "link my account"

Are u talking about using K-Plus as direct debit?

Why not use the debit card u were given with the account?

Do u already have the K-Plus App all logged in and working?
Andy **********
Same old thai bullshit run around. Find another person to help you link it. Policies here differ from person to person.
Darren *******
Open an account with another bank - I've linked my SCB account no issues.
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