Hemant ********
This is a summary of
Hemant ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 14 comments.



Hemant *********
@Bryson **************
they usually don't count the pages. If there is a spot to use they will use it
Hemant *********
As long as the full page is empty they will stamp the visa.
Hemant *********
@Angelo **********
thinking of doing my masters but it depends if I can have my family here or not.
Hemant *********
@Charles **********
we had 60 and got 60 now.

We were prepared to get 60+30 but were pleasantly surprised to get 60+60.

They handed us an additional form for the 60 day covid extension and we were happy to get it done.
Hemant *********
Another few points to note.

1. Can't wear shorts or sleeveless tops/shirts

2. 12-1pm is lunch break

3. We are on a 60 day tourist visa and got this extension for 60 days.

4. Need to make 90 day reporting
Hemant *********
@Benjamin *****
Indian and this was in Govt complex in BKK (Chaeng Wattana)
Hemant *********
@Benjamin *****
thanks. 1 more add on question please 🙏

Can I just walk in or need to make any kinda booking online?