the whole point of the Professionals Working From Thailand LTR visa is to legalise what is already going on, and encourage those people to spend more weeks of every year in Thailand, and of course part with their hard earned cash on Thai goods and services
Also there are many people (often with Thai partners) who work for Corporations overseas and spend as many weeks as they can in Thailand (holidaying and working remotely) - they would also qualify, even if their contract doesn't specifically mention remote working.
I see what you're saying Ruth, yes they want bona fide employees of big Corporations, with remote work contracts. There are lots of us out here already and many more that would like to join us I'm sure :)
thanks mate - I have never had to do the 90 day reporting (too much travel) and had heard the website can be unreliable, but good to hear you have used it successfully. If they approve my application I will write back to them and ask them to clarify the 12 month paperwork requirements
I have applied for the Work From Thailand Professional category and have been advised that at the 12 month reporting I will be asked to provide all my paperwork again (i.e. prove that I am still working for the foreign company). I am planning to retire in around 4 years so THB50k / 4 = THB12.5k per year, compared to my current marriage visa which is THB4.9k per year including re-entry permits, so for me the only benefit would be skipping maybe 2 x 90 reports each year
I applied for this yesterday, fingers crossed. Someone has warned me that the 1 year reporting event entails resubmitting all your paperwork again, this time to Immigration rather than BOI
Check out Chic Rental - they recently quoted me THB17k per month for a 6 month lease on a Honda BRV. Chic are in most popular locations around Thailand