Samm ****
This is a summary of
Samm ****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 12 comments.



Samm *****
Ok thanks for the answer. I didn't realise there was such a difference between offices. I am moving schools for my second year and into the next year level.
Samm *****
I found them very respondent to emails ( within 2 -3 days) Give them a hoi
Samm *****
Hmm I had a remark too when I left Thailand 2 months ago. Customs said ‘you can’t come back’ I have been in Thailand twice in a year, I want to come back as a tourist to hit a couple of festivals, am arriving in a couple of days. Am a little nervous. What’s going on! I don’t want to work nor stay for an extended amount of time.
Samm *****
thats Yellow Fever. I thought small pox was eradicated years ago and vaccines no longer required
Samm *****
Like moving to an area because you like the vibrant night life and then complains about the live music venue next door