What are the rules for canceling an education visa in Thailand and where should I submit my request?

October 21, 2023
a year ago
Samm *****
Hello. I have been looking through the posts to see if anyone has asked this question but I can't seem to find the answer.

So, I am needing to cancel my current education visa in a months time. What is the earliest can the cancellation letter be dated for? One month? 2 weeks?

Also, I have heard conflicting answers in regards to cancellation. Some say I need to go to the same immigration office that I got my extension whilst others say I can go to any immigration office. Any insights on the latest?


Updated: I have been on edu visa for 11 months now. Am going to cancel my current edu visa as advised, prior to getting a 2nd edu visa.

In regards to the letter. I had one sent to me that was dated for the end of my studies, however the actual letter was dated too early and would have expired before it was time to submit it. Sorry for not been clear but I want to know at what point is the letter free from expiration. One month before end of study date or 2 weeks?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking clarity on the process for canceling their education visa in Thailand, specifically the timing for the cancellation letter and the appropriate immigration office to submit the cancellation. There are conflicting opinions on whether the letter can be dated one month or two weeks prior to cancellation and whether it needs to be filed at the same office that issued the visa or any immigration office. A comment advises that the user should consult their local immigration office for specific rules regarding the validity of the termination letter and the advance time permitted for filing a cancellation.
Ellie *******
All of those questions are to be asked to your local immigration office.

When you want to apply for cancellation of a current extension based on studying, each of those factors varies by office.

Cancellation of extension can be applied only at the immigration office that issued the extension you want to cancel. So you need to ask your local office:

- validity of your termination letter from your school

- how long in advance you can apply for cancellation of the extension

<- Some offices accepts a few weeks in advance, and some do several days. There are offices that allow cancellation only on the last day.

You need to cancel your extension based on studying unless you are applying for your new initial Non-ED with the same school and the course exactly sequel to your current one. But this is the part you need to ask your school.

Usually, this group doesn't allow this type of post, just tried to make it clear what you need to ask your local immigration office.
Samm *****
Ok thanks for the answer. I didn't realise there was such a difference between offices. I am moving schools for my second year and into the next year level.
Bob **********
@Samm ****
you’ll need to cancel your ED extension and leave the country on the end date of the letter
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