Wendy ********************
This is a summary of
Wendy ********************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 8 comments.



Wendy *********************
@Steve ******
@Stuart ********
wanted to let you both know your advice was perfect. I was able to get the non O with my daughter's nonB. LA embassy was great. I just am not sure if we'll be able to easily extend past our 90 days.

We're in asq now. Thank you both!
Wendy *********************
Can anyone answer this as I leave tomorrow. I also noticed the letter is dated but there is no time stamp, will this be ok?
Wendy *********************
@Brendan *******
When you submitted your COE was it with a 10 night or 15night ASQ? Sounds like your hotel changed you to 10 but you submitted for 14. Which hotel are you staying at? Id like to find one that is willing to change it if the rules change.
Wendy *********************
@Steve ******
is this pretty straightforward to do? and this would work even though my daughter is from the US? Or is this difficult and a pain in the butt and I'm better off just doing a tourist visa? Thank you!
Wendy *********************
@Stuart ********
thank you for the reply. yes I'm finding the STV to be more difficult for sure. If I do the normal TR and can't extend for the extra time the gal at embassy said I can just pay the fine. When I mentioned being worried about that and not being allowed back in again she said that wouldn't happen and I'd be fine. But it does make me nervous.

If I do TR does that mean I can only buy my plane ticket to return in 60 days even though my daughters will show 90? Or can I buy both of them for a 90-day duration knowing that we will extend or does that mean they will deny our Visa if they see a return flight being further than our Visa allows? Ideally I'd like to buy a ticket for 98 days.

Can my daughter turn her visa into a TR in order to travel? How much is it if she extends the work visa? I thought they could just extend it a bit if she still needed to stay here longer for a job.
Wendy *********************
@Reiner ********
modeling and no way I was letting her go alone.
Wendy *********************
@Ellie ******
Thank you for your reply. I just talked to the Embassy in DC and she recommended the tourist visa for me or the STV. I'm going to look into that. It sounds like I can extend that.

If I end up doing the 60day and extend 30 do I have to purchase my return flight with the 60days in mind and then change that? So in essence I need to make two different flights for my daughter and I since her visa is for 90 days?
Wendy *********************
I'm aware of the quarantine and the cost.

I have called the embassy in LA and DC and gotten two different answers. I posted this question to get suggestions on what may work.

What I was just told by the embassy is my daughter can possibly extend her work visa, I can apply for an STV Travel Visa for 90 days and can possibly extend that one time. So if what she is telling me is correct then that would work for us.

I also asked about overstaying for a short time without an extension and she told me I would probably pay a fine when leaving but would not be arrested or put in jail. I understand there is always that risk and I'd like to avoid it.