Brian *********
This is a summary of
Brian *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 29 comments.


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Brian *********
be legal and do it right - it you people who cause the issues for legits
Brian *********
Border runs what isn’t normal why would you even do this - ffs
Brian *********
he sounds desperate
Brian *********
I don’t care who you shared with it’s pathetic to tell people how to behave - it’s shameful and wrong - I just hate people like you who think you have some right to tell people how to behave / let me tell you you don’t behave like a prick telling people how to behave. Now grow up you have god complex
Brian *********
Clearly never been to Thailand
Brian *********
Why did you do this silly thing
Brian *********
If you have to ask you aren’t ready