Had accident on motorbike few years ago. Insurance from my SCB debit card did cover all cost for hospital and then to clean the wounds everyday for a week.
You will need a border run. I did try last year when I leave my job and they told me 30 days exemption can only get when entering the country, so at a border. Not possible to get it inside the country.
Anything about visa with BOI is easier, first time better go with an agent, then any visa extension is very easy and takes 1 hour or even less as all documents are pre approved online
Je l'ai refait l'annee derniere, RV en 3 jours et passport recu 12 jours apres. Donc un peu plus de 2 semaines entre la reservation du RV et la reception du passport. Procedure super facile, il te faut l'ancien passport et une photo d'identite.
Brandon Thurkettle, I did cancel work permit last month and got 20 days to leave the country (because it was without specific date of resignation). It was WP from BOI, it probably at some points make some difference