flight itinerary

Showing 17 questions

This page displays all the results for the flight itinerary tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 17 questions that have been tagged with flight itinerary. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
September 4, 2024
14 days ago
Zoe *******

I have applied for my DTV and now they are asking for a flight to Thailand (I will be doing some travels on my way back). It seems that this is the standard document checks they ask for after the initial docs that are at the first stage.

How did people in my situation get around this step? What if we haven't booked a direct way into Thailand?

I have been trying to call the embassy with no response.

Anyone else who was in this situ, please reach out! TIA

Random photo attached so my post doesn't get lost.
August 30, 2024
19 days ago
Gary ******
I'm doing my application for London, is a proposed flight itinerary and a quote for travel insurance suffice ?. I have put in my letter that I will purchase once I have the visa.
August 9, 2024
a month ago
Alan *********
DTV Vias Approved. UK Passport. Foreign Company.

Yesterday I received my DTV as a freelancer and thought I would share the procedure as best as I remember and documents I provided.

Applied on line:

Passport page scan.

Sacn of UK driving licence - Proof of being in UK.

My linkedIn profile in PDF form - from the website.

Address in Thailand - I have a condo so used this.

Screenshot of Thai Bank statement with over 500k - I went back 3 months.

Paid £300 that's 13500 Baht, not the 10000 quoted.

A day later I was asked for further documents:

* Other request documents: Self assessment tax return / Statement of accounts / Accountant's letter / Personal tax calculation or computation statement from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

Here I sent them my companies latest receipt of filing my company accounts and Business registration.

* Other request documents: Flight details showing the applicant’s name, departure date, all flights en route from UK/Ireland/UK territories to Thailand (E-Ticket)

I had a flight from Germany (Current work place) to Thailand so I sent them the itinerary.

A few days later I got a email again requesting documents:

* Other request documents: - Please upload your Flight booking showing your name as passenger , departure date, all flights en route from UK/Ireland/UK territories to Thailand

Additional return flight itinerary from UK to Germany either side of my Thai flights was sent.

* Other request documents: - Your Accountant's letter to confirm that you have earn your income from outside Thailand.

Got my accountant to provide a letter confirming that my income is made outside of Thailand.

* Other request documents: - Your Professional portfolio (please explain if you could not provide any required documents.)

I had already sent them my linked in profile in PDF, this time I screenshotted my LinkedIn Profile, showing my experience and different locations and sent them my CV.

A few days later I had my visa.

One piece of advice when you supply documents, I could only upload one document so for my work portfolio I merged my LinkedIn Profile screenshots and CV together using some free software on the internet, just google free merge PDF and a whole bunch of sites come up.

Good luck
June 4, 2024
3 months ago
Hello, what is the procedure for a tourist visa in Vietnam.

3.4 Evidence of transportation

Flight itinerary for ROUND TRIP ticket (in Thai or English)

Flight reservation/itinerary must show the applicant’s full name, arrival and departure’s date and time, and flight details

I'm travelling from Bulgaria to Bangkok without entering Thailand, then I go to Vietnam...

Should my round trip ticket be to Bulgaria,Vietnam, or anywhere out of Thailand?

I've been to Laos and is much easier, but they don't have appointments the next 25 days
February 19, 2024
7 months ago
Zig *******
Do any of you helpful people know a reliable site to get a booked /confirmed flight itinerary for visa without having to book and pay for an actual flight
May 2, 2023
a year ago
Andrew ******
Hi all, this is my first post in this group. I am planning a trip in November, I will apply for the 60 day tourist visa from UK. I want to travel first to Cambodia then visit Thailand . Does anyone know whether the application needs an outward flight from UK?
April 8, 2023
a year ago
Amin ***********
Can I apply for an e-visa using a 90-day return flight? I plan to get a 30-day extension. What’s recommendable here?
September 29, 2022
2 years ago
Sarah ********
Regarding the 60day SETV - the application form wants proof of a flight departing Thailand, if I plan to come out on the visa, extend, then leave to get another visa, will the first visa be granted if my flight out is for the end of the entire period (eg. 180days), or do I need to book a flight out after 90 days to a neighbouring country for the first visa to be granted?

Alternatively if I do a 45day exempt entry with the plan to extend, leave and repeat 45day exempt and extension, will I have any issues either checking in for my flight from London or at immigration in Bangkok, as in will either place ask for proof of leaving in 45/75days?

UK passport. Thank you!
September 8, 2022
2 years ago
Harrison *******
As a UK citizen I'm looking head to Thailand in November and then head to Malaysia. After running through the basics am I correct in saying I need to book a flight inbound to Thailand and outbound to Malaysia also including booking my accommodation before I start my Thailand Electronic Visa? Ideally looking at staying 3 months on a tourist visa

Sorry if its a daft question, simple minded first timer
May 20, 2022
2 years ago
David **********
Trying to understand an automated reply to my visa request to Thai consulate. I submitted an online evisa request with all the required documents. Today I received an automated reply asking for Flight Itinerary to Thailand and support letter guarantee marriage status from spouse in Thai. Two questions are they asking me to prebuy plane ticket so that I can get an itinerary? I don’t understand what they are looking for (support letter….) My Thai wife and I plan to move to Thailand in July.
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