Christopher *******
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Christopher *******
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Christopher *******
I'm first timer FaceBook someone post ask me for advice..or he just trolling me ? Pls help
Christopher *******
Is my Thai wife required to be present for the closing the loop step? I ask because mine is Dec 30 and we’re trying to work out holiday travel plans.
Christopher *******
@John ********
I agree — this is only for people very serious about getting to Thailand for whatever reason. I’m in the middle of quarantine now with my wife and kids, but they are Thai citizens we decided it was healthier to be living in Thailand with our family here than in the U.S. at this time. We’re grateful that we even have the option (U.S. citizens aren’t welcome too many places these days) so it’s easy to take all the expense and rules in stride. I don’t see it as the government deliberately jerking people around or trying to make a buck (though I certainly understand the frustration with these Kafkaesque conditions). There are pressures from all sides and nobody is really benefiting from these half measures, but this is the path they’ve chosen. It may well be the wrong path, but I think it’s foolish to think it will change barring a big change in circumstances. Vaccines, really effective treatment, uncontrolled spread in the population like we have in the U.S. where there’s no longer and benefit to strict quarantine. Those things might change the policy. Until then all one can hope for is more affordable quarantine and insurance options, more streamlined application procedures and easier to follow instructions. A return option for those who already have retirement visas and have made their homes and lives in Thailand. An option for those who have been in Thailand for years in long term relationships but not married. But it may be a long, long time before casual, affordable tourism returns to Thailand.
Christopher *******
@John ********
I don’t think everyone at the hotel gets extra time in that case. But if, for instance, anyone on your flight over tests positive you will be given extra scrutiny (and possibly extra time?) no matter what hotel you end up at. Normally after the first negative test in quarantine (4 or so days in) you are allowed out for an hour or so a day into an outdoor area, and you get to eat off of real plates with silverware instead of plastic. If someone you’ve in possible contact with tests positive you stay under the more strict protocol. I don’t have extensive knowledge about this, but I haven’t heard of any hotel where all the guests had to stay extra time because of a COVID case and I know there have been many cases over the past few months of the repatriation program. A benefit of having a strict quarantine program is that contact tracing is possible and you don’t have to shut down a whole faculty because of one positive case.
Christopher *******
Christopher *******
@Paul *******
that’s a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel!
Christopher *******
@Garrett **********
sorry for the repeated mentions — obviously

I’m replying to
@Steve *********