Annie ****
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Annie ****
I had the similar problem recently. Was shocked that they can't transfer visa to the 2nd passport, require only NEW. Luckily I had enough time and half of page free to put on yearly extension stamp while waiting for the new passport.

Immigration told me that they can use "special notes" pages for stamps if your embassy would give the letter that they allow to do so (mine didn't). Try with yours, maybe it can be a solution
Annie ****
Many countries allow 2, we have the same law in Ukraine
Annie ****
Yes, it looks easy now if you have all your documents ready. Yesterday I just went to ask them what are the options as my colleague in the same situation was rejected few weeks ago. So seems they figured it out now
Annie ****
@Tod ********
I suppose it's just like this. I was submitting documents for non-b with an expired 30-days entry stamp. After checking everything the officer gave me some papers to copy (application form and contract I think), then sent to extension section without explaining anything. There they just took papers and gave me back passport in few minutes with an extension stamp until Sep 26. After that I came back to the visa section and finished everything. They took the documents and told me to come back in 15 days
Annie ****
@Tod ********
I received it yesterday, free extension until Sep 26th. But the reason was: application for non visa. Have no idea how it works with tourist extensions
Annie ****
To leave the country...but not everyone can do this. I know hundreds of peope who eager to leave asap but cuz of blocked borders and cancelled flights they just unable to do it