I have Navy Federal Credit Union here in Washington, it's nationwide and they charge $25 for international transfers. I use Wise until I reach the threshold of $25 and the use my credit union.
I really don't want to be rude here, but these questions have been asked and answered interminably. Searching on this particular site would give you your answer many times over. You gave no mention of your financial situation or age until asked later. If you can't help yourself, even a little bit, moving here might be a bigger challenge than you bargained for, given the requirements to live peacefully without IO problems.
I think it also has a lot to do with where you are and the individual requirements of that particular bank to accomplish your goals. I know in Tha Bo that a long term visa was needed to get a bank account. Since I couldn't produce that, I'm not sure if they would have needed a certificate of residency after that if I had the proper visa.
I'm cheap too. That's why I have to get rid of a house full of clearance deals before I move to Thailand. I know a good deal when I see it, doesn't mean I should buy it.😔if only I had self control