am local and my partner is on LTR.. you loosing your mind. No one cares loosing money coz am sure they making more with such problems finally everyone needs their services
Below is the proof for the DTV French group that was struck for tax
All agencies give the Police Department the powers to even verify them. If you don't know how that works. Study. On top of all of that is Thai Police and Thai Immigration which runs under it. This post is totally really coz from the 10Y LTR Visa experience and this exactly happened there at start only till they realised its suppose to be handled at 5Y and not yearly.. yahahah.. so chillax and read it as new info and that its real. No one has time to post such long self experience shock and sorrow to help others and relieve one self a bit either. Thats what is called human sharing and the share arrow that always turn right on social media. Thai law works on the accused to acquit himself of the accusation even from Police.
John Macom i mean u just had to post that and u saw the backlash.. there is some evidence on cancels. I remember reading and even sharing a post from a French group here in French that translated to saying 5 DTV guys returning to France were asked for 6 digit Tax at Don Muang AirPort and when they refused their DTVs were canned.
Anonymous participant 702 he categorically said that the Immigr informed him he is the first case so with his experience expect what u made out to bs to be yes yes