I'm very very lucky to have a good Thai wife, has her own house, car, motorbike, gold, money in the bank before she met me, but I have seen bad stuff hapoen to others, and just the general attitude of Thai people that we (Farangs) are all some super rich suckers here to be sponged off of.
Especially country people, who don't mind sending their daughters and sons off to slave away in menial jobs in the city miles from home, and send money back for Por and Mare so they can sit around drinking and complaining. Then see more easy dollar signs when a Farang shows up Lol.
I've tried to de-programme and teach my wife that it's so wrong to pull your kids down, sponge off of them, expect to be 'looked after'.
Yeah yeah yeah..I know full well it's in alot of Asian cultures to ruin your chances of ever getting ahead in life by pouring all your hard earned back to poor impoverished simpletons who have no idea how to manage money to make merit and honor and respect your parents, creating the common cycle of inter-generational poorness, nobody ever gets ahead...ever....parents demand by guilt tripping to pull the kids down to their level.
If you love your kids you want to see them succeed, to launch them to a better life, better than you did, lift them up...and never ask them for handouts.
I don't know if she will ever accept this concept, tradition (read guilt tripping manipulation) runs strong and deep!