What are you talking about? Traffic already on the roundabout goes first everywhere. Think about what happens if people on the roundabout let people wanting to enter go first: there is a jam on the roundabout.
Read all the comments below. I do not understand where you get it that in my country traffic entering the roundabout goes first.
But lucky for you I do not drive a car.😁 Not because I do not know the rules of the roundabout, but because I get pissed of at people who don't. Anger does not help in traffic.
I don't mind, I do my own visa work. I have very little sympathy for people who use agents to get a visa they can not get legit, as the make things harder for people who are here legit.
For instance, the Baht 800,000 in the bank got extended to a longer period, to make it more difficult for people who do not have funds to use agents and the agents themselves. So now all people need money in the bank all the time.
If you cannot meet the requirements for a legal stay, than don't stay. That was my opinion when I lived in the country I was born, it would be hypocritical to change that point of view because I live abroad now.😄