Lee *******
This is a summary of
Lee *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 28 comments.



Lee ********
@Alessandro *********
I needed something last minute and I was in thailand. I never said it was a long term solution but I guess you'll take it anyway you want and that's ok 👍🏻
Lee ********
@Jim *******
and I'm pointing out the fact 200baht is hardly a scam when I always pay more than the agreed amount. 🤣
Lee ********
@Jim *******
I tip all my drivers anyway so this example seems irrelevant 🤷🏻‍♂️
Lee ********
@Jim *******
and the fake document has saved me paying more real money 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

Had I paid for it and I still got fined then I would also comment to prevent the OP doing the same. I merely stated my experience and that's it's worked without hassle and has also been accepted across thailand through countless checkpoints via bike or car.
Lee ********
@Jim *******
and still cheaper than bribing Thai police. So how was I scammed???? 🤔
Lee ********
@Jim *******
yet it's saved me thousands of baht in fines 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 if the police accept it then I accept it
Lee ********
@Andy ***********
fake or not. It's prevented me paying fines to police for not having it and paid for it self in 3 months.

So I still don't know how I've been conned! 😂
Lee ********
@Andy ***********
they can be bothered cos it's money. They love handing out fines for no license/permit, no helmets. They sight it and let me go. Don't know why you can't understand that 😂
Lee ********
@Andy ***********
how will it not work when I keep telling you it's works 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ you're backwards. I'm speaking from my experience not a story someone told me. I've even taken to the the police station and they accept it but ok you do you
Lee ********
@Brandon ***********
funny how that I'm speaking from experience of what has happened and you can't believe it. Maybe get outside a little more. It's worked and saved me everytime I've been pulled over which is a countless number of times. Even 2 or 3 times in one day bur hey what would I know right????