you could try to negociate with a company that organises the "garnteed" borferruns, if they are prepared to meet you at the border and help you there and tell them that you pay the full price as if youi have traveled with that company
You get a lot of replies. Most are not relevant because you did not provide information. Age nationality working or have enough money to stay in Thailand etc . Start reading at internet about the different visa.!
be aware that you have two kinds of agents. One kind is an agent that helps you with the application and you just have to provide the required informastion. There is nothing wrong with, you could do it yourself, but don not want to do it yourself!. The other knd of agents are the one you use if you do not comply with the requirements fi you do not have the required money in your bank. They circumvent the requirements and they charge you much ! Be aware that if you use the second type of agents you are bound to use that agent everytime you submit a new application