Michael ********
This is a summary of
Michael ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 17 comments.



Michael *********
@Scott ******
a standy ticket is exactly that. a ticket. worked just fine for me in the past 30 years or so. My question was if there were any new regulations with Thailandpass etc that changed the rules. Sorry, if I was not clear in my question.
Michael *********
The time you walk through immigration isn‘t what counts. You do have to show your boarding pass to the IO and they do see the departure time. Then it is up to them to let you through or referr you to a supervisor.
Michael *********
I took my workpermit abroad once to show it to the Thai embassy while applying for a new non-b. They acted very upset and lectured me that the work permit has to stay at the place of business and may not be taken abroad. I never took it with me again, just took a copy.
Michael *********
Alternatively, you can pay for a reentry permit that will allow you to use your visa without the need for a visa waiver.
Michael *********
Earlier this year when I entered on visa waiver during a stopover for a day immigration at DMK asked me for proof of onward travel out of Thailand and further for onward travel out of the next country which was Vietnam. They really wanted to see my ticket going from Vietnam to Taiwan. Funny thing was the next stop was Vienna and the clerk asked me why I would go to Taiwan for just a few hours before going back to Vietnam. I explained the difference between Vienna and Vietnam and made her smile.
Michael *********
@Mimi ***********
BKK has a desk for reentry permits right next ro passport control. You can peek inside to see if it is occupied. Sometimes it is not.
Michael *********
Does it really require funds to be in a bank in one’s country of residence? I always apply with a bank statement from a third country that is neither my passports country nor located in TH. There was never a complaint about it from the consulate. But of course it was just for a O and TR visa at the time and not O-A.