i made my O-A in Austria ! Go to the 9th district, i think Alserstrasse , there is the "Wiener Tropeninstitute", they made this for me ! With this you go to the Ministery of Health, get a stamp, than to the minististary of Foreign Affairs, they give you the next stamp ! Why 2 Ministary ? I dont know, but you can make both in 2 hours, no people there ! Tropeninstitut takes several days to give you the result
I asked yesterday my agent, she is from an approved thaicompany, and she said, " just show your insurance card", THIS is for sure wrong, and i recognized that she has no idea about the new regulations.
i go Jomtien Immigration, i was there last June, ....yes they gave me this receipt, - even my money is there since 4 years and has never been touched :)