This is a summary of
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 13 comments.



@Darren ******
I see, I think most likely it will only be a one year student visa plus 2 months of tourist visa. Thank you!
@Stuart ********
thx for the infos. Abt Schengen visa, I’m just afraid that if I don’t have a physical residency card, they might not issue my visa. I’ll have to check with embassy I guess!
@Matth ******
Yeah... in that case it may be more complicated. And Thai embassy may apply different rules to certain countries asak. Thanks anyway!
@Nick ***************
I’ve actually never heard of it! China is actually on their special country list, which I don’t know why haha
@Steve ******
I contacted an agency in turkey I think they will confirm with the Ankara embassy one more time abt my situation!
@Steve *********
yeah I know, I’m not going back to China any time soon, so I’m not worried abt it! Thx for the reminder!
@Garrett **********
I’ll give it a try! Hopefully they won’t be able to check online tho!