Troy ******
This is a summary of
Troy ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 94 comments.



Troy *******
What do you mean by "until March 31" - is something expected to change dramatically on April 1st?
Troy *******
43 trips since 2001, current trip 3 years on tourist visas without leaving. You'll be okay.

I suspect buying a business in order to gain a 45 day extension is the most expensive plan plausible to extend a stay.
Troy *******
@Darren *******************
simple: volunteer agency's were complaining that volunteers were never volunteering. Hence the change to "business visa" it gives you a year to get your biz sorted inorder to stay long-term and pay them annual or monthly visa fees.
Troy *******
@Darren *******************
it's not "encourage" it's the literal fabric of the infrastructure. The elite visa is official and I dare say, they boys who get visa paydays get virtually nothing from the elite visas, thus the easy rejection if they can push you around a few expensive dodgy visas for a few years first.
Troy *******
Are you related to Amfet Amine? I've seen him around here. If he is your brother or cousin or something, just ask him. He's everywhere.
Troy *******
@Darren *******************
volunteer visa lasted many years, there will be a replacement after this one too. Thailands infrastructure is built upon corruption, no one's giving up a payday in any foreseeable future.
Troy *******
Anyone can get a "business visa" from any agent for around 50k - they are the new replacement for the dodgy old "volunteer visa"s.
Troy *******
@Graham *****
yes. I see that identifying obvious attempts at comedy is not your strong suit.
Troy *******
Yes, you can do it for years as long as all your extensions are at border-crossings.