Will I face restrictions for traveling to Thailand multiple times within a year?

December 7, 2022
2 years ago
Guy ********
Looking for answer .I will be returning to Thialand January/February 2023 .This will be my 3rd visit as I was there in March 2022 with a 4 day overstay due to illness. I’ve just returned home from my October visit Nov21 on a 45 day visa.But Iam wanting to return maybe looking at buying a business so can I just get in on another 45 day visa.Or will I face some question about 3 trips in 10/11 months.Cheers .Ps Iam looking to move to Thialand next year at some time that’s another conversation.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is planning to return to Thailand for a third visit within a year and is concerned about potential questioning at immigration due to frequent visits. Responses from the community suggest that it is likely okay to return, especially if proper documentation is provided. Suggestions include obtaining a tourist visa, being prepared to show proof of funds, travel plans, and accommodation. Previous experiences indicate that most travelers face minimal challenges as long as they aren't attempting to overststay improperly.
Steve *******
You shouldnt have any problems bar your overstay but you've entered since then so I'd say nothing to worry about.
Chris *********************
Just get a visa I come back every 2 to 3 months no questions asked, go through the rite process you will be ok
Gordon ********
The only questions I’ve been asked is when are you leaving? Show them your ticket and they are happy….. usually.
Kool *******
As long as you weren't border bouncing trying to stay long term as a tourist you'll be fine. They basically start the count over if you've returned to your home country between visits.
Guy ********
@Kool ******
I did go to Cambodia for a week but that was genuine visit
Alistair **********
Probably not an issue. I didn't get questioned till my 3rd trip this year, but I had covid extensions and been in the country 6+ months. Being questioned and warnings to get the right visa before coming next time are much more common than reports of people actually being outright rejected.
Guy ********
Troy *******
43 trips since 2001, current trip 3 years on tourist visas without leaving. You'll be okay.

I suspect buying a business in order to gain a 45 day extension is the most expensive plan plausible to extend a stay.
Guy ********
@Troy ******
hi Troy I not buying business to get a 45 day visa will be setting up a company and living permanently in this that’s another enquiry in due course thanks for reply tho
Jim ***********
I got challenged at immigration. 1 September arrived on 60 day TR. Back UK and arrived back 10 November. Just answer honestly
Brandon ************
I'd suggest getting a tourist visa if you can. It might make things slightly easier.

You might get challenged and you might not. I wouldn't say it's too excessive, but have the 3 proofs ready so they can't easily deny entry.

1) proof of 20,000 baht or equivalent in another major currency in cash only

2) proof of travel out of Thailand within 45 days

3) proof of hotel for the first few days
Nishant ************
@Brandon ***********
Is proof of accommodation be shown of first few days at the thai immigration?
Graham ******
@Brandon ***********
onward travel within 60 days for the visa entry
Brandon ************
@Graham *****
yes if he gets the visa, which I would definitely recommend. It's not a cure all but likely increases the odds of a smooth entry.
Jim ***********
@Brandon ***********
yes I got asked where staying showed rental contract
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