Jody *******
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Jody *******
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Jody *******
These things change with the wind. It will soon blow over & be forgotten by most. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Someone gets a bee in their bonnet & it's a short-lived crack down, next thing someone else does the opposite.
Jody *******
@Christopher **********
Really? You can understand (i.e. accept & agree with) rude unprofessional behavior? 🤔

Maybe the officer should try working the rice fields for a few years & let's see how much he misses his comfy air conditioned office job taking papers through a hole in a window from people standing out in the heat for hours?
Jody *******
Some of them just don't like foreigners & look for any excuse to deny someone. Those types must be seething over the DTV... 😂
Jody *******
Be careful, there are some bad ones out there! Definitely go with a recommended dentist.
Jody *******
You should have watched this vid first: 😉

Jody *******
If you check into it carefully you'll find it has nothing to do with "income differences". There are very powerful people behind most scams in LOS. It's also a part of the culture for many. People pay upwards for 'protection' to get away with it at every level. It's worse in LOS than in many places as the system is feudalistic in many ways still, whereas in the West we have cut down corruption mostly to official rip-offs such as tax & big time insider trading etc!