Magnus ********
This is a summary of
Magnus ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 11 comments.



Magnus *********
My thought was just that if you are a legal father why can't one apply for family visa? Not all are married.
Magnus *********
I'll add to this that he is a better man than most sexpats. He works (although online) and sometimes he also had work permit when he worked for companies here.

And he takes care of 2 kids paying private schools for them and giving them the best upbringing.

I see it's a lot om bs and condemning here but that's not fair in his case.
Magnus *********
@Frank *********
I guess the same way everyone else does. Visa... Just different ones hence the problem with a new Education visa.
Magnus *********
@Brandon ***********
he's the father on the birth certificate. But as he never married anyone and is taking care of the 2 kids alone, he never needed to apply for 100% custody.
Magnus *********
I'll add that he is taking care of his kids but hasn't 100% custody. It's shared.

He's also not 50 yet.
Magnus *********
I guess you can buy a cheap bus, train or air ticket online to somewhere nearby like neighbouring countries just to be on the safe side.