Richard ****
This is a summary of
Richard ****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 8 comments.



Richard *****
I have had my first 30 day, then extended it and then visa run, now on my second 30 day on arrival and will need to extend again and visa run again
Richard *****
Ok I see thanks for that!

Yes her school has done all the documentation and prepared everything for her visa with me in mind as her husband.

So on the school's side all is in order
Richard *****
Thanks very much everyone.

So it looks like I will have to just do a standard visa run, return with a new tourist visa on arrival, and once her Non-B and work permit is completed, only then can I apply for a spousal Non-O?
@Anna ********
@Sioul ********
Richard *****
I see... My wife is currently getting a work permit, so when I get my spousal visa, is it possible to acquire a work permit from that? Even though I am not being employed by a company here?

Thanks again all