When we inquired with immigration how to combine tow bank accounts to one they told us it has to be done the same day, withdrawal and reposting otherwise the 400K minimum was violated.
Just to give you the background as why this all came about: my wife has two passports American and German. When we filed for extension last year immigration discovered that her US passport had three pages left, however it did not say Visa on them but endorsement and they did not accept it. They told us we had to leave the country the same day. So we flew to Penang and applied for visa there. But Penang required additional paperwork for a retirement visa in form of a letter from the German embassy, which was not possible. So they offered this other option based on marriage. And here we are.
thanks so much, the reason to have both names on them is for emergency. But to have double the amount escapes my logic. We will make sure to ask them when we pick up the passports next week before we make any changes. Thanks again for sorting this out.