Nick ******
This is a summary of
Nick ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 6 questions and added 161 comments.



Nick *******
@Rollo ***********************
well if some guy wrote it on a scroll thousands of years ago it must be a legit and up to date code of living.

But what I think most of us really want to know is: did you not know anything about Thailand before moving here? Their land, their culture. Who are you to judge what they do? Didn't the same guy or one of his pals also write "judge not, lest ye be judged"?
Nick *******
@Todd ********
yeah, but disclaimer: I don't know if it's possible under pandemic rules - you'll have to check.
Nick *******
perhaps you can get your boarding pass for the international flight in advance, and be 'in transit' instead of actually entering Bangkok (if it's the same airport)?
Nick *******
not allowed to eat on the MRT. We know because there are signs. Coming from a place where there's usually at least 1 person eating stinky McDonalds on the tube, without the sign saying it's not allowed, you'd probably eat on the MRT.
Nick *******
Phil Jones yeah I know that now, after the fact. But having lived in multiple other Asian countries where it is the norm to do that, and without any official information stating that it's frowned upon, even after doing it 3 times, nothing said...
Nick *******
just out and back in again, same day, to get a fresh stamp. I'm not working here, I'm just living here. It was the norm in Taiwan to do same day out and in, nobody ever had a problem doing it.
Nick *******
@Lisandro ******
so you were deported and your airline paid your costs?
Nick *******
Always extend. A lot of people seem to think that goes without saying and I was stupid. Maybe they're right, but to be fair it is not made known to anyone when they arrive the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time that 3 will be their limit for the year.
Nick *******
@Lisandro ******
that 180 days is a myth. It seems to be more about how many times you enter as a tourist, with the total days being irrelevant. Living in Taiwan previously, I had always been able to do visa runs every 90 days, never get an actual visa, never a problem there unless you overstay. After moving to Thailand I ended up doing visa runs to KL instead of extending because it was marginally cheaper, and I got deported on arrival on the 4th arrival in 1 calendar year, even though I had only spent 3 months in the country as a tourist that year.