Anybody had any trouble for not bringing the required 20k THB when entering Thailand? Tnx.
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Many travelers have shared mixed experiences regarding the requirement to bring 20,000 THB when entering Thailand. While this amount is mentioned as a legal requirement to demonstrate financial capacity, enforcement varies widely. Some expats report never being asked for this money during numerous entries, especially at airports, while others note enforcement can occur, particularly at land borders or against certain demographics. Many suggest it's better to be prepared and carry some cash to avoid potential issues, although alternatives like showing bank balances have reportedly worked for some.
Most common reason for refusal of entry is lack of financial ability to support yourself in Thailand, also known as 20k baht in cash or the equivalent currency. I've never been asked, but I always have it.
Yes. Many do. You should come prepared meeting all requirements, especially during this time.
Guillaume ******************
Girlfriend from immigration and no pb 😊. They use farang sometimes, u can use them also 😊
Terary **********
Come from Penang to Thailand I was asked to show I had the cash. I have been asked to prove I had the cash when getting the visa. But never been asked at the airport
Tom ***********
Can you not just show them the amount you have in your online banking app?
from what people have said it used to be a way for immigration to ensure you had enough cash to support your way for visa exempt, visa on arrival or short term visas, but is rarely asked for anymore. I was in Thailand 5 years ago and was never asked for it. And when I arrived in dec I was also not asked for it.
Plus nowadays immigration officers all over the world can ask to verify funds for your stay if they suspect something dodgy or that you may not have the funds to support your trip.
that is true. Ryan ive never been asked for proof of anything on any trips to thailand if i can remember rightly. I will withdraw some pounds and exchange them over to baht for my trip to be safe then. All though its better for me to always use my bank as they offer free withdrawals in thailand and free debit card use :)
. You don't need to change it to Thai baht before coming . They will accept the equivalent of 20k baht cash in any currency. You will also get a better exchange rate once inside Thailand.
Well if you land in any country you better have access to more than $600.00 dollars so I assume have enough cash to get a taxi and make sure your ATM card is working. Nobody carries too much cash anymore.most single tourists will spend at least $4000.00 no sense in carrying that kind of cash these days.
Nick *******
there are many situations where people have to show sufficient funds for the duration and purpose of entry to Thailand. Often it seemed to be at the IO's discretion before, but now I think everyone entering has to do so.
that 180 days is a myth. It seems to be more about how many times you enter as a tourist, with the total days being irrelevant. Living in Taiwan previously, I had always been able to do visa runs every 90 days, never get an actual visa, never a problem there unless you overstay. After moving to Thailand I ended up doing visa runs to KL instead of extending because it was marginally cheaper, and I got deported on arrival on the 4th arrival in 1 calendar year, even though I had only spent 3 months in the country as a tourist that year.
Nick *******
Always extend. A lot of people seem to think that goes without saying and I was stupid. Maybe they're right, but to be fair it is not made known to anyone when they arrive the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time that 3 will be their limit for the year.
180 days per year is written somewhere. Search, and you will find it.
How long were you staying in KL while making the visa runs?
If was a short time, immigration could guess you were working -illegally-
Nick *******
just out and back in again, same day, to get a fresh stamp. I'm not working here, I'm just living here. It was the norm in Taiwan to do same day out and in, nobody ever had a problem doing it.
Nick *******
Phil Jones yeah I know that now, after the fact. But having lived in multiple other Asian countries where it is the norm to do that, and without any official information stating that it's frowned upon, even after doing it 3 times, nothing said...
Nick *******
not allowed to eat on the MRT. We know because there are signs. Coming from a place where there's usually at least 1 person eating stinky McDonalds on the tube, without the sign saying it's not allowed, you'd probably eat on the MRT.
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Nick *******
Nick *******
So you're saying you were forced to hand over cash? I was just forced to burn loads of cash to book another last minute flight (and detained for 10 hours while waiting for that flight).
happened to me too. Nobody tells you there is a limit to how many tourist entries or months in a year. There seems to be no clear rule, just some IOs wield the power to assume someone is working illegally (not true in my case, so definitely no evidence needed) and block them from entering if they did so as a tourist a number of times that they arbitrarily decide is too many to be anything other than undeclared work.
For all of you who make hotel booking. I see most hotels gives you form to fill your credit card information for authorization. I WARN YOU TO NEVER DO THAT ! IT'S SERIOUS DANGEROUS !. That is not the way how to pay with credit card. Hotel must send you SSH link for payment process. And there you can type all your data securely. If you send via email, your data can be leaked every where around the world. And the hotel's staff can also see all the information you provide and with that info, someone bad can use it for online shopping !. Credit card company will not responsible if you provide your credit card's info in that way.
I don't know why they required customers to do it so. Stupid or maybe pretending to be stupid.
เด่ ******
Which post ?, So why don't you comment me from your post ? And delete it there. This is post from jorge jo and you still writing on his post. Open your eyes and look at my picture. How silly you are.
เด่ ******
Are you craizy ? I don't expect you to read it ! And i don't post in your post. Man.. shame on you..
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เด่ ******
Michael ********
Here is the sign they used to have many years ago, from a section of immigration act to prevent hippies entering Thailand.
Interesting to note the amount of money hasnt changed since 1979.
Jeff **********
The rule is 10k per solo traveler or 20k per family. It's something they can use to exclude you if they want to, but as everyone is saying it's hardly ever enforced. It's okay if you have it in a foreign currency, just don't plan on using a debit card to get it. Better to just bring it. If you don't have 10 thousand baht equivalent, how are you going to travel anyway?
Hristo ***********
I was asked on the boarderline with Malaysia. They asked only me (Bulgarian) and some guy from Chili, rest of the group went in without problems. I didn't have 20k and they still let me in but it was organized visa run. On the airport 1 guy made some troubles for not beeing able to understand him in thai as i was on ed visa but still let me in.
Yes, it was one Canadian who as required to prove he had Bhat 20,000 in order to get a tourist visa. I have a retirement visa and I have to prove transfer of a minimum 65,000 a month into my Thai bank account. Before I got visa on arrival and no requirements for any money.
omg i would love that sign! Im an undercover hippie. I will go through immigration looking like a middle aged white woman..when i leave thailand i leave looking like i ate magic mushrooms for breakfast lol
Normal. If you don’t have at least 20k... Please, don’t come here! 😂 Its a very expensive place to be! 💫🇹🇭💫
Robert **********
If they required the 20,000 baht, you have to have cash in baht or a major currency. Credit cards bank books and showing it online would not do. In 2019, before Covid, if you had too many tourist visas or visa free entries, they would not actually ask to see your money, but they would write on the passport refused entry, does not have sufficient funds. Because, there was no rule against having many such entries, but among themselves they decided not to let people in who were living here on tourist visas. Hasn’t mattered of course since Covid.
Craig *******
It's an ancient rule that pre-dates credit cards, smart phones, online banking, ATM's etc. So no longer enforced's a nothing burger
, it a rule still enforceable, just what an immigration officer needs if he decides, whether you have a visa or not. 20,000 Thai bht or it’s equivalent in any currency is no big deal to carry. No ATM air side prior to immigration...
it's military rule, they can throw you in jail for no reason if they want.....if you worry about crazy extreme stuff like that then Thailand is not for you. Foreigners from non-1st world countries do in fact get spot checked for this but if you are from Europe, NA, Oz, NZ, etc its nothing to be concerned with (though who wouldn't have at least 20k THB equivalent on them anyways?)
I live here, I have had no problems, but a couple years ago, numerous people posted here that they were living here on back to back tourist visas and visa exempt, and that’s the excuse they used to deny them entry
not over the 20k thb but about 2 years ago a guy was denied entry in Phuket and since there were no flights out, spent the weekend in jail waiting for a flight back. Cannot give a url now but it happened.
sure, after all the trouble, better be prepared and not give them a reason. Tnx
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Jorge ****
Christina *********
Once, but I had a lot of stamps in my passport. Think it was 20k Tb. I had about $4000 in cash and then I got questioned about that 🤦♀️ I would have it in the bank just in case.
Robert **********
Sam **********
Been going back and forth US and Thailand for 6 years..not once asked
I thought it over. I'm 63 and been traveling Asia for 40+ years. Yeah back then everyone ran out of money! At the end of the trip we were broke. Nowadays even 20 year olds have plenty of money
I've never been asked to prove 10k. Just last time I was asked to pay 35USD for the Visa on Arrival because I was going to visit a customer. I was there just a few days before they started with border closures
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Alessandro **********
Hans *******
I not bring it, I never bring before, I have bankaccounts
Aristo *******
Don’t worry. They are afraid to have any sort of contact with you. At least not until you Done with quarantine
All the trouble you’d go through to get in, why risk not having it ?
Kevin *****
The 20,000 baht was based on people arriving on 30 day tourist visas, VOAs and exemptions and was to ensure you had enough to support yourself for 30 days (yeah, right, like 20,000 would cover that!) However, now the STV and TV are 90 and 45 days respectively so the 20,000 would need to be either 60,000 or 30,000 so no doubt to complicated a task for IOs to count that high. Also, how many people use cash only these days? With access to ATMs easy most will use credit/debit card payment or for cash withdrawal. Also, if you can afford to pay the 30,000 -240,000 for an ASQ I think they have decided it can be assumed that the 20,000 won't be a problem. Even before Covid I was travelling back and forth between Thailand and neighbouring countries by road and air and never got asked to prove I had it, even when I got pulled by immigration at the airport on arrival from Vietnam they were more interested in me proving I was ex forces than whether or not I had 20,000 in my wallet.