Ok. I was told an Australian guy recently received a multi entry in Australia prior to coming. That's not the case yet when applying in Singapore. Guess I will have to try and come in on the single this time and hope that it changes back again soon. Thank you
Hi tod ,, can i piggy back off this. People are only getting in now with 90 day single entry NON imm O visas ( from what I hear ) can I convet that to a multi entry inside Thailand once I can return to my family ?
Reason I ask is that my family and I are with CIGNA and have a very high level comprehensive cover. Last thing I wanted to do was have to get extra insurance to meet some bureaucratic nonsense.
yes and that’s how it has been the last 7 times I have got mine there, however my friend just did his and it said that after review they wanted 3 months statements. The single statement he did show them had 80,000 dollars in BTW.