ok thanks for your time with regards opening a bank like most things in Thailand it all depends which bank manager or assistant your talking to and also the shifting sands of rules which can change in the blink of an eye ,,but like most things with patience you will be able to open and a bit of leg work
hello .what was the procedure on the online application from uk ..I’m scared to open any link to see what’s actually involved before I apply ,,,not that I’m hiding anything ,,just want to be prepared for when I do actually apply.
I have the money ,,what else are they asking ..and did you need to change anything or did they ask for more documentation ,,evidence etcetc hence the wait for 2 weeks
What is the cost for a non o visa applied outside Thailand ,,im struggling to find the information on that visa ,.I can find the information on the OA or OX on both the Saigon and Hanoi embassy pages …it says 80 USD