James ******
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James ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 13 comments.


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James ******
Could be worse, you could have left Thailand! An extra month even for 1900b is a bargain
James ******
7 months a year sounds like youre pretty much living here so that's not a tourist!
James ******
Eva Air seem to have kept flight pretty affordable throughout, and one of few to keep services going
James ******
As there isnt a reliable antibody test yet, you would only be able to take test within a few days of departing. So for now no point in worrying and hope that a reliable antibody test is available soon
James ******
How many days before is currently the best time to go for first ordinary tourist xtn. Mine visa valid until April 16th
James ******
I'm guessing the 30 day regular extn (60 days to 90 days ) is still fine?
James ******
Pretty much same for all Euros but yes check with Thai Ministry site
James ******
I think only Malaysia and Vietnam out so far