tm 6

Showing 9 questions

This page displays all the results for the TM 6 tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 9 questions that have been tagged with TM 6. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
May 25, 2024
8 months ago
I just re-entered the country from a trip to the UK. On my way out no one asked for my TM 6 departure card and on the way back I wasn't given an arrival card. When I apply for my next 90 day extension if it is like previous ones I will need to quote the TM 6 number. Any advice on what to do?
Feb 27, 2023
2 years ago
Russell *******
TM 30 online reporting questions.

1. When I arrived I did not have to complete a TM 6, and on the online TM30 submission it requests the TM 6 number. Is there any issue if that field is left black?

1. After I submit the TM30 online I don't see any official TM30 form that I can print out or keep a copy of. All I can do is search for it and it shows a summary just like the image below. Is that enough for this task to be complete or is there a way to get a TM30 form to print and keep in passport?
Oct 15, 2022
2 years ago
Bart ***********
Came back to Thailand yesterday and found out that TM 6 arrival card is no longer required. After some reading I found out its 'temporary' measure, only if you arrive by plane.

Now, when I have to extend my visa in December, I'm worried that immigration may ask me for TM 6

Did any of you have experience of doing a visa extension without the TM6 form? How did it go?
Oct 24, 2021
3 years ago
Martín ********
Dear expats, if i lost my TM 6 and they sre asking for a 90 day report that i dont have in order to get a covid visa extension, what would be my best choice?

I was thinking of going directly to Muang Thing Thani, file for the lost TM 6 and the 90 day report at the police station there and try to get both.

Any flaws in my plan or other suggestions?

by the way, I dont have a 90 day report because i came into thailand less than 60 days ago, can i still make one in Muang Thong Tani?
Jul 28, 2021
3 years ago
Jonny *****
Hi All,

Going to immigration tomorrow to do my first 30 day visa extension so just want to make sure I’m prepared and don’t cock it up.

I’ve tried to make an appointment online but the website wasn’t working so my plan to show up at 8.30 when they open and just try and be the first person in the door.

I’ve arrived on a 45 day visa exemption and will get the 30 day extension. I’m in Bangkok and my understanding is that I have to go to Muang Thong Thani immigration office, could someone people confirm this.

I’m going with my passport. My TM6 Departure card and a copy of the TM 30 receipt my landlord received. And the 2000 THB to pay the fee. My understanding is that I can make the necessary photocopies and take the passport style photos at the immigration office? Is this correct?

I will fill out the TM 7 form when I am there tomorrow in person.

If anyone could let me know if I’m missing anything or have any advice for me it would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks all, have a good one! 😊
Apr 17, 2021
4 years ago
Jay ***********
Pai Maehongson Immigration 90 day report . Documents needed

1. Copy passport

1. . Copy TM 6

1. Copy of Visa and entry stamp

1. Copy of current extension

1. Had to show bank book ( in my case funds on my phone app )
Jun 21, 2018
7 years ago
Jeno *******
I have an extension of stay based on retirement. Can somebody please let me know what the procedure/documents are required for my first 90 day report at Phuket immigration.
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