Sebin ******************
This is a summary of
Sebin ******************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 7 comments.



Sebin *******************
Theres a form from the ministry of labour your school can use to cancel your wp, just make it ffill by a school's officer and signed by the director.
Sebin *******************
Unfortunately, you're become teacher you still need bachelor degree to get your teacher's licence from teacher council of thailand then with it you can obtain your work permit from labour office then extension of stay from immigration.
Sebin *******************
at the time i was in france it was still not required to get police recording from our own country, other option I was thinking is maybe to apply to another consulate who aoparently not requiring this one like Kota bahru.
Sebin *******************
Ok thanks anyway i will update this post anyway depending of what will happen to me there...I just hope eveything will be fine!
Sebin *******************
Do we need to make the translation of the police clearance document from our own country? because I guess they're not able to read neither german or spanish...I f yes I suppose this translation should be kind of official with an official stamp or something
Sebin *******************
nothing special you arrive at KL international zone and wait for ur next flight, no border because ur in international zone! check also the cinema lounge area downstair, really nice when u need to spend a couple of hours there! ☺