Avihu *******
This is a summary of
Avihu *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 7 comments.



Avihu ********
Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks for the reply. If that's the case, I'll wait for December.
Avihu ********
@John *********
Yeah, I know that. My question was whether I could cancel the whole thing and do the DTV, or is that a big risk? I have all the criteria for the DTV, so it is not an issue; the only issue is how the embassy person will look at my case or whether it is okay to switch visas that way. I feel like I'm in a tricky situation.
Avihu ********
@Mark *********
Thank you, Mark. Do you plan on going with your visa or do as Tony said?
Avihu ********
@Stuart ********
🫠 It is a language school educational visa. I appreciate your fast response, thank you. Final question, can I sign him to a thai kindergarten and give him a Visa, or my options are limited?
Avihu ********
@Stuart ********
scary 😅 isn’t there another way? We don’t mind paying for his visa.