Mark *********
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Mark *********
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Mark *********
Unfortunately people come here and don’t want to go home lol
Mark *********
You would be surprised as I said it depends where you are from
Mark *********
Be aware that going to Australia even for a holiday is difficult ,even getting a holiday visa ,if you are a resident of certain countries
Mark *********
So I am right in assuming that I can leave my money in Australia and not have large sums in a Thai bank and fly back every 2 years and reapply. thanks so much for your help
Mark *********
@Tod ********
if you obtain a O-A visa from Australia and get 2 years out of the visa,can you after the 2 years obtain another visa from Australia and thus avoiding ever having to move
0 thb to a Thai bank
Mark *********
I researched this and now it's not an option

Also finding accomodation that allows dogs I was told is difficult I have decided to wait out the dog as she is quite old

Thailand is not an approved country
Mark *********
U can not return a dog to Australia with out it spending 6 months in an approved country having a pile of tests

Then quarantine in Australia so it's all very expensive and hard on the pet

Easy to research online

The dog will require a pet passport