Scott ********
This is a summary of
Scott ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 7 questions and added 21 comments.



Scott *********
@Tod ********
yeah, local isaan has overall been easier than anything I ever did in Bangkok
Scott *********
Maybe the DNA test fmwas for me to apply for their dual nationality for USA?
Scott *********
@Tod ********
we do live together, but still in Sarahkam. Will be moving back to Bangkok in the next couple months.
Scott *********
Ok, thanks Tod I'll do that when we get back to Bangkok.
Scott *********
Yeah, I knew it is not easy. I think I need, DNA test, mother and mother's family support and perseverance in the Thai family court. Would I have to do it in the court here in sarahkam (babies registered housebook location) or could we do it in Bangkok?
Scott *********
Haha, well I have plenty of friends in both camps here. Its about time I buckle down and leap past the I speak Thai good enough to know I speak shitty stage. Cut out the significant other stress of me being annoyed with problem resolution and also because of my twin sons,I want to be good example on learning language correctly.
Scott *********
Ok that's what I thought I had seenyou and others say now that I glanced at the link you sent I remembered you had written those reviews
Scott *********
Recommendations for non o Thai dependent visa when not married to mother. Where to look for up to date info on what to do.