Miroslav *********
This is a summary of
Miroslav *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 3 questions and added 6 comments.



Miroslav **********
@Tod ********
straight savings. Alright, I plan to update bank book tomorrow before I come, hopefully that will suffice.
Miroslav **********
Thank you Tod. Can you please confirm that the length of an extension will be limited to the expiration of the passport date? E.g. my passport expires on 24th of December, so if I do an extension on 15th of December - it will only be valid until the 24th instead 90 days?
Miroslav **********
Follow up question...When I get an extension before my passport expires, is it only gonna be valid until the expiration date in my passport? Would I be able to get a re-entry in that case, at all?
Miroslav **********
No. I canceled my extension as I was leaving to make a new ED visa (different school) before my latest extension expired. If I didn't, I would have came back to Thailand before my last extension (canceled one) expired with a new visa...

My passport is expiring later this year and I will go to my home country to renew it, but I will have an active extension in the passport. Want to make sure I do everything by the book to avoid problems.
Miroslav **********
Oh, that actually makes sense. Looks like it's gonna be fun since the nearest Serbian embassy is in Indonesia. Thank you for quick responses!
Miroslav **********
Thank you very much, I was ill informed by my school then. Barely made it in time.