Don *********
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Don *********
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Don *********
@Terry *******
like I said.. 1776. Everything before that was a mistake. Dimitri doesn't get it so don't bother.

"Everyone is a trader. Some trade time for a paycheck. Some trade happiness for security. Some trade risks for profit".
Don *********
@Garrett **********
he needs to have a history lesson. History began in 1776, everything before that was a big mistake.
Don *********
@Garrett **********
absolutely. I've met an American who had the last name Swedish. Turns out his ancestor was Swedish.
Don *********
I'm Thai and I don't feel offended. He can keep his whole racism stick back home, that type of rhetoric doesn't apply here. We have other problems.
Don *********
@Alain *********
a lot of businesses fail because they didn't research prior to setting up their business, they failed to market their business, they recruited poorly, implemented a toxic company culture, and they hemorrhage money through bad business matching.

There are thousands of successful businesses, but they set up and ran their business properly and always continued to fix issues. Also.. Reinvested into their own business over and over rather than giving themselves a nice, big, juicy end of the year bonuses.
Don *********
Lots of people will tell you to contact a law firm. That's like contacting a dentist to help you set a dislocated shoulder.

How about contacting a firm that specializes in helping foreigners to invest in or setting up their business in Thailand?

Hit me up on PM if you want more info. Luck be, I own one such firm.
Don *********
It's a land of opportunity, if you know how to navigate around the downsides and bureaucracy.
Don *********
Why did I choose this group? My friend is the admin here.

If you mean why do we resort to Facebook instead of obtaining information from government website? Government websites are notorious for being out of date. I don't mean a few months or a year, out of date, I mean at times it can be a decade out of date. A country's IT infrastructure and reliance on IT to convey information is a clear indication of how things are run internally, in this case; not well. You know there's a problem when Chonburi's Immigration Office's official email is
instead of being
or something similar.

Calling in to the various governmental branches is not only frustrating as you get ping-pong balled from one officer to another since no one there has a clue or dare to confirm anything, there is really no alternative that doesn't costs you money.
Don *********
@Rick ******
it's pretty messed up because I have relatives I want to visit but can't since if I leave I don't know if I'll ever be able to come back in the near future.
Don *********
Sounds like a good plan but there is a small flaw in it. Once you leave Thailand, you're not coming back easily until this whole covid situation is over. Something to think about.