Mark *******
This is a summary of
Mark *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 17 comments.



Mark ********
@Stuart ********
Hi I was volunteering every year at hope for strays foundation in pattaya , they were happy to send the appropriate letters to the embassies but said that wouldn't be enough to gain me entry to Thailand , is that the case ?

any info much appreciated
Mark ********
Mate ... to keep it simple ... you won't be going any time soon
Mark ********
Mate .... so true .... that attitude will ultimately cause society to break and collapse ...
Mark ********
@George *******
Fact checked by who ? why can't people look at any research and make up there own mind ? ...... i've no interest looking on your fb page .... do you need to be told everything try using your OWN brain instead of taking the easy option and being told what to do
Mark ********
@George *******
Do some independent research , and plain old common sense and you will see through this bullshit .. all this "obedience " and all that comes with it will kill more people than the virus ever will
Mark ********
It's not about a virus it's about obedience and control , the virus is a distraction to what's really going on ...history repeating itself ... and allowing it to happen will ultimately bring chaos and destruction

Ultimately human beings can't live like this