James ********
This is a summary of
James ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 17 comments.



James *********
@Graham ******
yes but plenty of success stories of people being approved having transferred in funds even a few days before. I guess once again it depends on the embassy...
James *********
And are you sure that was the reason? 5 days ago you posted in this group asking about which soft power course is the cheapest? So you've booked something within the last post and applied and got denied 🤔?
James *********
It doesn't need to be a Thai bank account. It can be any bank account in your name. Is it an option for you to show the account where the money was prior to the transfer?
James *********
@Tim **********
yes I saw the conversation on another post/thread you were apart of. The whole point of a re-entry stamp is to keep the ED Visa valid. Without it, and exiting Thailand visa is void. I have that confirmed from my friend here who is a visa agent. Maybe things were different previously and as we know, the rules often change without much notice/public relations.
James *********
@Tim **********
am I correct in saying you don't have to cancel Ed Visa because unless you get a re-entry stamp your visa will be canceled when you leave automatically?

My Ed Visa finishes on the 27th of this month and I am flying on the 25th out of Thailand and applying the next day for DTV Visa...
James *********
I thought the documentation of presence in the country or residence is irrelevant when applying in person? My understanding was that is only required for e-Visa applications?
James *********
If they bring the e-visa system forward and introduce it on Monday the 30th rather than Tuesday the 1st of October. In case there is a sudden new rule introduced that non-residents cannot apply there. In case they deem that my application for soft power DTV Muay Thai is better suited for an education visa? Obviously rules around visas and immigration can change suddenly...
James *********
@Artur *********
so you've paid that much already (without a visa allowing you to stay that length and use this service 🤔). Well then even if they charge you to produce some documents, it should be a fraction of what you've already paid and you will have the correct paperwork.
James *********
@Jackie ********
how did you even get through to the embassy? I've called multiple times and left a message with no response. I'm flying there Sep 27th and the next day the embassy is open is Mon, Sep 30th, now I am even more anxious 🥴😮‍💨
James *********
You should ask your school to contact another Muay Thai gym in the area to advise/assist them and provide local specific help. You will need more than just a letter. You will need business registration documents etc.